Your Next Strategic Move in Gold Fever: Burn Tokens to Secure Gold Mines in Hope Island — A Win-Win Decision
At Gold Fever, we’re about creating an immersive, sustainable, and rewarding ecosystem for our community. Our latest initiative, Hope Island Mining Claim Burn Operation, is a testament to this commitment.
The initiative is in continuation of our massive burn movement: in preparation for our mainnet release on December 7th, we had a colossal burn of 115 million NGL tokens. Currently, after burn, the total supply of Gold Fever’s NGL is 54 million.
The next strategic move to support our mainnet launch is helping you to obtain the first 18 Mining Claim of our games, the ones located in Hope Island, through a process of burning meant to ignite token utility.
An Exclusive BONUS: testnet NGL is turned into mainnet NGL
Also as a mega bonus, once purchased, you get the mining claim on test net so you can exploit it. There will be a limit of 100,000 $NGL allocated to all these tests during the testnet and the calculation will be done when the Mainnet claims are minted and sent. At that point, exploiting them on testnet will be done only for pleasure/testing, not for gains.
Here’s a breakdown of what you can get:
1. Standard Mining Claim
Token Burn: 35,000 $NGL
Claim Value: 70,000 $NGL
2. Rich Mining Claim
Token Burn: 65,000 $NGL
Claim Value: 130,000 $NGL
3. Legendary Mining Claim
Token Burn: 100,000 $NGL
Claim Value: 200,000 $NGL
These Mining Claims are your ticket to becoming a valuable infrastructure owner within Gold Fever, where you have the power to make choices, take control, and shape your destiny.
How do you do it?
The process is simple.
Burn the required tokens for your desired Mining Claim
In return, you receive DOUBLE the claim’s value in NGL tokens.
These mining claims will be minted on our Mainnet, scheduled for December 7th.
Once they’re minted, it’s entirely up to you whether you choose to exploit them, keep them, or sell them.
This double bonus opportunity is a unique event that may not occur again through burning, making it a once-in-a-lifetime chance.
Once the NGL drops out of them, you can refill with $NGL. There might be two options:
- you burn some and get some more
- you pay a % of the amount you want loaded
Before you dive into this exciting opportunity, ensure to contact our team — @logarithmik or @nicolai — to confirm the availability of your preferred claim.
Community members will have priority, but we’re also exploring partnerships with guilds, content creators, and other potential claimholders.
Obtaining a Mining Claim is your first step towards becoming an infrastructure owner and guarantees your independence and reliability within the Gold Fever universe.
Please note that once you’ve made the decision to burn tokens and obtain a Mining Claim, it’s final. There will be no refunds or token reversals. Your Mining Claim will be delivered on Mainnet, empowering you to explore its full potential.
The Operating Costs
Operating a Mining Claim comes with its costs, as every valuable asset does. For Standard Mining Claims, the hourly cost will be 50 $NGL, with 10 free hours. Rich Mining Claims offer 15 free hours, and Legendary Mining Claims provide 30 free hours.
An Exclusive BONUS: testnet NGL is turned into mainnet NGL
As a special bonus, once you’ve acquired your Mining Claim, we grant you access to it on our Testnet. You’ll have the opportunity to explore its potential before Mainnet minting in the limit of 100K NGL. And all the testnet earnings are turned into mainnet currency.
Join us in shaping the future of Gold Fever and seize this golden opportunity to become a Mining Claim owner. Together, we’re building a thriving and sustainable ecosystem where you’re not just a player; you’re an integral part of our community and vision.