Game of Diggers, Beta Access and Dev updates Part 2
So we had our final dev meeting and we pushed hard the Lead Developer into assuming responsibility for a final date, for which, if not respected, he would answer with his job.
This last date is going to be 31 July. Also during this month, probably in the middle, he will also deliver a playable build where GoD selected players can start training.
During this time we will start working on the new website and on integrating with our new partner for a smooth bridging of NFTs between ETH/BSC and other chains with Polygon.
We will also start on preparing for a partial main net release that is necessary to support our NFT sales, without which the game can’t go public.
Below there is a resume of our technical conclusions from the dev meeting:
- The transition to the new backend is close to final (should be finished this week)from the crypto/backend developers point of view. This means that the only major work left to be done is gonna fall on the Game Devs(they are also very advanced).
The game systems affected by these transitions are: Building Items(each building sells all sorts of items), Building services(from parking to NFT custody-renting/ticketing), Quests(keep the details of the quests in the database instead of the game server) - Ticketing for small planes/boats and big plane/boat suffered a restructuring because they were conflicting with each other on the airfields so we had to come up with a plan that takes in consideration AI driven items and player driven items.
- We managed to make the game server/client build for Linux. This brought a 400% improvement in the server ticks + fps increases, but its still not the greatest. Once GoD is delivered we will enter in a refactoring stage for all our systems.
- We finalized the Guilds system and its being implemented in game. The contract, due to the backend work, hasn’t been started, but you will probably see in the game how it will look in the future. So only the UI is ready for now.
- We finalized the Governor role and it is being implemented in the game.
Final conclusion is that we are close with a lot of things and we can’t thank you enough for your patience while still supporting the project with your presence, questions and feedback.